October 2012 - THIS week's PICTURE

Fort King George arches, Florida : photo by Malcolm Aslett


One more series of the same figure in different poses. I excuse this one on the grounds of that expanding wedge of red and black in the arches. There are actually only three arches in reality. The building is the hospitality building for Fort King George. By shifting my position slightly I changed the perspective of the arches to increment that right hand wall for the illusion, as well as a few slight changes to the stone.and tweaks with perspective. Not a lot happing but just enough to give it a formal purpose.

It's the simple pictures that usually please us the most. Complexity is often shunned in photography and images in general, I would say. You could spend a lot of time building up a picture to labyrinthine complexity but the popular pictures are usually straight forward affairs. The Golden Section still rules as far as our eyes are concerned..



